Monday, December 10, 2007

How To Get Custom Bumper Stickers

Bumper stickers are everywhere. People seem to have a penchant for displaying them on their cars that it has become an ordinary sight. While they are everywhere, no one knows how they originated.Unconfirmed reports state that they have been around even before the Second World War. After that, creative people used them to further their political agenda and campaigns. Also, before they knew it, they had become popular venues for advertising products and ideas all over the world.Bumper stickers are highly visible and so they are used by advertisers in getting their message across. Unlike other advertising venues like newspapers and television, they reach a wide and diverse group of audience and because of this they are being used by advertisers to promote a variety of products from burgers to medicine. Ingenious politicians have also found creative uses for them by printing their names or slogans on the stickers and distributing them free to their constituents. Elections are not complete without them!People have become rich and famous thanks to bumper stickers but no one comes close to the wealth amassed by a silk screen printer named Forest Gil who made millions of dollars through his bumper sticker business.While they were originally used with wires, the modern day sticker relies on magnets and chemicals that allow the stickers to be attached to any surface. Today, bumper stickers are not just limited to political stickers promoting certain candidates. The popularity and the cost effectiveness of these popular stickers have made them in demand not only in politics but also in almost all areas of business and everyday life. They carry a variety of topics and themes including politics, religion, humor, quotations, and everything under the sun.Today, companies also make use of them to promote products and even people. Famous sports like golf, baseball and basketball even put the images and faces of famous sportsmen on them to promote the sports.They have become a very common commodity that they are available for sale in almost all places like shopping malls and even the internet. There are online shops accepting orders for custom made bumper stickers to be made according to the specifications of the client.Custom bumper stickers are very useful especially for people who want to create their own identity and promote that identity. Small businesses can also order custom stickers to help them promote their businesses. Other organizations supporting or espousing certain ideologies can also have their own custom made stickers to give away to their target audience.A person who wants to order them can do so easily because the various online shops offer several designs and lay outs from that the client can choose from. The client can just add his personal touch or message and then choose the lay out he prefers.There are online shops accepting custom bumper stickers without any minimum order. This is advantageous for the client because he can create a few designs and have several made to test his market. If the design is effective then the client can just make a repeat order. If not, he can create another design and have a few of them printed.They are also very good reflections of the personality of the owner of the vehicle. They can promote or demote your personality or your business. So before attaching a custom bumper sticker on your car, make sure it reflects your personality and that you are willing to answer for any consequences that may arise from placing it on your vehicle.
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About the Author: For more great bumper sticker related articles and resources check out